Pendidikan Akhlaq Anak, tanggung jawab siapa?


Pada masa sekarang ini banyak orang tua yang kebingungan ketika melihat kenyataan anak-anak nya mempunyai prilaku yang tidak sesuai atau bahkan bertentangan dengan orang tua. Ketika mengetahui demikian, kita sering mencari kambing hitam atau mencari sebab-sebab mengapa anak kita bersikap begini dan begitu, yang kurang sopanlah atau terlalu kasar ketika berbicara dst.  Yang pada akhirnya menyalahkan kiri-kanan, yang disebabkan oleh pergaulannya, atau dikarnakan ajakan temannya dan lain sebagainya. Atau bahkan kita lupa bahwa sebenarnya anak kita juga butuh bersosialisasi dengan teman, bergaul denagn teman seusianya, namun demikian  mereka juga butuh perhatian kita sebagai orang tua.

Kebanyakan orang tua menyerahkan pendidikan kerakater anak, hanya kepada  guru di sekolah, padahal sebenarnya, Pendidikan karakter seharusnya tidak hanya dilakukan di sekolah atau kampus, akan tetapi yang terpenting pendidikan karakter,  juga harus di lakukan di lingkungan keluarga di rumah sebab Peran Orang Tua Penting dalam Pendidikan Karakter 

Dalam kesempatan yang lain,  kita harus menyadari bahwa pendidikan karakter sangatlah berperan dalam melengkapi  perkembangan kepribadian anak. Dan Islam melalui RosulNya telah benyak memberikan tuntunan dalam mendidik dan mengembangkan karakter anak



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Interactive Web-based Teaching Exercises


Hot Potatoes created by Half Baked Software is a must-have tool for teachers or trainers who want to create a web based interactive exercises for students. Hot Potatoes allow you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises and then publish it on the World Wide Web. Hot Potatoes is freeware, and you may use it for any purpose or project you like. It is not open-source.

There are six basic applications included in Hot Potatoes distribution:

  1. JCloze to create gap-fill exercises. The gaps are created by selecting words that need to be removed on a text. Students must fill the gaps with correct answers. Clues and alternative correct answers can be provided.
  2. JQuiz to create question based quizzes. The quizzes can give visual feedback on answers, hints on questions and free letter help upon users’ request.
  3. JCross to create crossword puzzles. As in JQuiz and JCloze, a hint button allows the student to request a free letter if needed. A crossword can be created automatically from a selection of words.
  4. JMatch to create matching or ordering exercises using text and/or images. Items on the left are matched with items on the right by dragging and dropping or from answers selected from a drop down list.
  5. JMix to create jumbled sentence exercises.
  6. The Masher to combine quizzes and exercises into a sequence and upload to a Web space. The Masher can be used to custom the look and feel of the combined ‘unit’ as a whole. You need a commercial license key to create units of more than three files.

Hot Potatoes is a simple-to-use program which allows you to create an interactive multiple choice or short-answer text, jumbled-sentence exercises, crosswords, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises that you can publish online.

The interface of the application is plain and easy to work with. Upon initialization, you can set a username and choose the language to work in.

So, you can select between ‘JQuiz’, ‘JCross’, ‘JMix’, ‘JCloze’, ‘JMatch’ and ‘The Masher’. Each of these modules comes with its own range of configurable settings. They focus on the appearance, user strings, buttons, index,picture links, HTML tables, media objects and grid management, among others.

Furthermore, you can alter the default source files and configuratkion location, translate the interface, view help contents and a tutorial, as well as use the undo, cut, copy and paste functions.

The application runs on a low-to-moderate amount of CPU and system memory, is pretty responsive to commands and supports keyboard shortcuts. No error dialogs have been displayed during our tests and Hot Potatoes did not freeze or crash; we have not experienced any issues. Thanks to its intuitive layout, Hot Potatoes’ features should be seamlessly figured out by users of any experience level. Unfortunately, the app has not received updates for long while.

So what are you waiting for? Get the potatoes while it’s still hot. It is available at



Written by : Drs. Suyatno MM (The supervisor of English teachers Consultatve forum of Gresik regency)

What are the skills?

Listening, reading, speaking, and writing are referred to as “the four skills”. Listening and reading   are RECEPTIVE SKILLS, i.e. they require only understanding. Speaking and writing are PRODUCTIVE SKILLS, i.e. they   require   the learners to produce something. Read the rest of this entry